Amor bajo cero (1960)
Title: Amor bajo cero
Release Date: 1960-09-01
Genres: Comedy, Romance
Runtime: 83 minutes
Status: Released
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Watch Amor bajo cero full movie for free. Released in 1960, Amor bajo cero movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In the resort of La Molina an international competition is held and ski racers from different countries come to Barcelona. They become friends, especially Nuria and Ramon, but Nuria already has a boyfriend
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Amor bajo cero a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Tony Leblanc, Concha Velasco, George Rigaud, Katia Loritz, Ángel Jordán, Ángela Bravo, Marta Padovan, Jaime Avellán, Alberto Berco, Matilde Muñoz Sampedro, Manuel Alexandre, Delia Luna, Emilio Fábregas, Juanita Espín, José Morales, José María Vilches, Marta Reves, Pedro Osinaga, Mayra Rey, Patricia Lorca, Aurora Redondo, Joaquín Roa, Goyo Lebrero, Santiago Ontañón, Ramón Vaccaro, Anita Solsona, Mercedes Guillot, Ángel Ter, Emilia Fontes, Emilio Alonso, Milagros Guijarro, Guillermo Hidalgo, Nuria Mosella, Mario de Bustos, Pedro Fenollar, Juan Cazalilla, Rafael Borqué, Alejo del Peral, Juan Velilla, Manolo Morán
Pedro Masó, Antonio Vich, Ricardo Blasco, Tíbor Reves, Antonio Alonso, Augusto Algueró, Paloma Fernández Olea, Guillermo Peña, Emilio Puyol, José Alted, Julio Peña, Francisco Rodríguez Asensio, Antonio Ibañez, Miguel Sesé, Luis Linares, Pedro Masó, Eusebio Carmena, Enrique Fernández Sintes, Enrique Alarcón, Alejandro Ulloa, José Alted, Ricardo Bonilla, José Luis Matesanz, Clemente Manzano, Juan Estelrich March, José Antonio de la Guerra, María Teresa Garrido
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