The Honeymoon Killers (1970)
Title: The Honeymoon Killers
Release Date: 1970-02-04
Genres: Crime, Drama, Romance, Thriller
Runtime: 108 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Honeymoon Killers (1970) Full Movie Streaming
Love is a bitch ... called Martha.
Watch The Honeymoon Killers full movie for free. Released in 1970, The Honeymoon Killers movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Martha Beck, an obese nurse who is desperately lonely, joins a "correspondence club" and finds a romantic pen pal in Ray Fernandez. Martha falls hard for Ray, and is intent on sticking with him even when she discovers he's a con man who seduces lonely single women, kills them and then takes their money. She poses as Ray's sister and joins Ray on a wild killing spree, fueled by her lingering concern that Ray will leave her for one of his marks.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Honeymoon Killers a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Shirley Stoler, Tony Lo Bianco, Mary Jane Higby, Doris Roberts, Kip McArdle, Marilyn Chris, Dortha Duckworth, Barbara Cason, Ann Harris, Mary Breen, Elsa Raven, Mary Engel, Guy Sorel, Michael Haley, Diane Asselin, William Adams, Eleanor Adams
Leonard Kastle, Leonard Kastle, Warren Steibel, Oliver Wood, Richard Brophy, Stanley Warnow, Paul Asselin, Michael Haley, Tom Dillinger, Fred Kamiel, Richard Berger, Spencer Trova, Bobby Vercruse, Tikki Goldberg, Janet Lauretano, Diane Asselin, John Haley, Warren Steibel
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