Miracle of Marcellino (1991)
Title: Miracle of Marcellino
Release Date: 1991-12-19
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 92 minutes
Status: Released
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Watch Miracle of Marcellino full movie for free. Released in 1991, Miracle of Marcellino movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In the 15th century, in a poor Italian village, the monks of a modest convent take up an abandoned baby. Unfortunately, for all their efforts, they prove unable to trace his parents. So they set up providing tender loving care to the little boy. Marcellino lives a happy life among the men of God but, as he grows up, he misses his mother more and more.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Miracle of Marcellino a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Alberto Cracco, Didier Bénureau, Sergio Bini Bustric, Fernando Fernán Gómez, Ernesto Lama, Thierry Nenez, Lucio Romero, Francesco Scali, Francesco Siciliano, Yves Verhoeven, Roberto Herlitzka, Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu, Alfredo Landa, Ida Di Benedetto, Nicolò Paolucci, Teresa Checa Martínez, Kewin Colomaloni, Quentin de Fouchécour, Claudia Desideri, Sergio Forcina, Irene Grazioli, Marie-France Lefevre, Antonio Mendi Macanas, Roberto Malavasi, Domenico Marchi, Vito Passeri, Carlo Poletti, Maria D. Amposta Rodriguez, Clelia Rondinella, Pierre Weillaert
Luigi Comencini, Luigi Comencini, Ennio De Concini, Mario Cotone, Fiorenzo Carpi, José María Sánchez Silva, Franco Di Giacomo, Massimo Cristofanelli, Eraldo Barbona, Rolando Marcheggiani, Nathalie Chéron, Carolina Ferrara, Giulio Manfredonia, Severino Rossi, Carla Funari, Caterina Barenghi, Lorenzo Tovoli, Paola Comencini, Attilio Viti, Ottaviano Dell'Acqua, Francesca Comencini, Roberto Barbona, Marco Streccioni, Paolo Anzellotti, Nello Giorgetti, Sylviane Bouget, Bruno Angeletti, Sergio Buzi, Rafael de la Cueva, Maurizio Nardi, Claudio Stefani, Philippe Sénéchal, Valerio Garzia, Fernando Monti
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