Vitória (2025)


Title: Vitória

Release Date: 2025-03-13

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 114 minutes

Status: Released

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Based on a true story.

Watch Vitória full movie for free. Released in 2025, Vitória movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Vitória is an elderly woman who lives alone and feels distressed by the increasing violence in her neighborhood. Amid conflicts with her neighbors, she decides to film the movement of drug traffickers from her window, hoping to assist the police. After months of recording suspicious activities, her initiative attracts the attention of a journalist, who approaches Nina and offers to support her in her mission.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Vitória a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.

Vitória 2025 Trailers


Fernanda Montenegro

Fernanda Montenegro


Linn da Quebrada

Linn da Quebrada


Alan Rocha

Alan Rocha

Flávio Godoy

Thawan Lucas

Thawan Lucas


Laila Garin

Laila Garin

Laura Torres


Andrucha Waddington

Andrucha Waddington

Directing - Director

Paula Fiuza

Paula Fiuza

Writing - Writer

Lula Cerri

Lula Cerri

Camera - Director of Photography

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rio de janeiro, biography, based on true story, favela, brazilian cinema