El compadre Mendoza (1934)
Title: El compadre Mendoza
Release Date: 1934-04-05
Genres: Drama, War
Runtime: 85 minutes
Status: Released
Watch El compadre Mendoza (1934) Full Movie Streaming
Watch El compadre Mendoza full movie for free. Released in 1934, El compadre Mendoza movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In the midst of the Mexican Revolution, the landowner Mendoza manages to get along with both the government and the revolutionary group. For the former, he is a supporter of Huerta. For the latter, he is a Zapata supporter. Depending on the political preference of whoever visits him at his hacienda, he has portraits of Huerta or Zapata put up, and organizes a party in honor of his visitors. However, time goes by and the situation becomes untenable. For whom will he take sides?
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made El compadre Mendoza a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Pepe del Río, Alfredo del Diestro, Carmen Guerrero, Antonio R. Frausto, Luis G. Barreiro, Emma Roldán, José Ignacio Rocha, Abraham Galán, Ricardo Carti, Alfonso Sánchez Tello, César Rendón, José Eduardo Pérez, Miguel M. Delgado, Max Langler
Fernando de Fuentes, Antonio Prida Santacilia, Rafael Ángel Frías, José Castellot hijo, Juan Bustillo Oro, Mauricio Magdaleno, Juan Bustillo Oro, Fernando de Fuentes, Manuel Castro Padilla, Fernando de Fuentes, Ross Fisher, Beleho, Beleho, Paul Castelain, B.J. Kroger, J.R. Rodriguez
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guerrilla warfare, mexican revolution