Queen of the Damned (2002)
Title: Queen of the Damned
Release Date: 2002-02-10
Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Romance
Runtime: 101 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Queen of the Damned (2002) Full Movie Streaming
The mother of all vampires.
Watch Queen of the Damned full movie for free. Released in 2002, Queen of the Damned movie was made with a budget of $35,000,000 and has earned $45,479,110 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Lestat finds acceptance in a tattooed and pierced world, rekindling the desires of all-powerful Akasha.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Queen of the Damned a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Stuart Townsend, Aaliyah, Marguerite Moreau, Vincent Perez, Paul McGann, Lena Olin, Claudia Black, Bruce Spence, Christian Manon, Matthew Newton, Tiriel Mora, Megan Cooper, Rowland S. Howard, Hugo Race, Robin Casinader, Jonathan Davis, Kirsty Meares, Johnathan Devoy, Robert Farnham, Conrad Standish, Richael Tanner, Christopher Kirby, Mig Ayesa, Joe Manning, Pip Mushin, Kat Rhodes, Chris Connelly, Renee De Bondt, Renee Quast, Dan Zizys, Tayler Kane, Imogen Annesley, Daniel Schüßler, Hugo Race, Aimee Nash, Nicole Fantl, Alyssa McClelland, Andrew L. Urban, Jo Buckley, Dino Marnika, Bruce Myles, Marg Downey, John Dicks, Fouad Harraka, Mandie Vieira, Bobby Bright, Darren Wilson, Russell Kiefel, Nandila Gaskell, Nalishebo Gaskell, Tamasin Ramsay, Michael Azria, Arroyn Lloyd, Antonios Greige, Nicki Paull, Peter Olsen, Franklyn Ajaye, Matthew Hassall, Duncan Myers, Mark O'Halloran, Twapa Kapote, Ron Bingham, Strawberry Fields, Bob Halsall, Humphrey Bower, Pia Miranda, Suzi Dougherty, Simon Wilton, Enrico Mammarella, Serena Altschul, Nick Gill, Becky Thomas, Karoline Hohlweg, Antony Neate, Rochelle Ward, Anni Finsterer, Alistair Reid, Felicity Andersen, Alana de Freitas, Emily Drew, Liza Dennis, Danielle Eskinazi, Daniel Gardner, Rashad Haughton, Nathan Hill, Gail Humphreys, Brendan Parry Kaufmann, David Lorensene, Anita Marelic, Lesley-Caron Veater, Hunter Shepard, Ruth Palma, Laneth Sffarlenn, Adam L. Pollard, Nova Taylor
Michael Petroni, Bruce Berman, Bill Gerber, Dany Cooper, Michael Rymer, Andrew Mason, Scott Abbott, Jorge Saralegui, Su Armstrong, Ian Baker, Anne Rice, Victoria Mielewska, Steven F. Nelson, Angus Strathie, Kristy Carlson, Gregory Apps, Richard Gibbs, Jonathan Davis, Steven J. Winslow, Angelo Sartore, Leigh Mackenzie, Leo Baker, Jim Sheldon, Cameron Morley, Tov Belling, Tom Nursey, Brian Dusting, Anthony Tulloch, Glenn Arrowsmith, Matt Toll, Ian Jones, Kylie O'Toole, Kurt E. Soderling, Chris Hansford, Rex Nicholson, Simon Zanker, John Radel, Graham 'Grace' Walker, Rob Hansford, Nikki Gooley, Nikki Gooley, Sue MacKay, Elka Wardega, Julie Barton, Rolland Pike, John Rann, Michael Bell, Michael Hill, Paula Whiteway, David Lee, Terry Leonard, Peter Hordern, Bradley Clouse, Eliza Godman, Jane Summers-Eve, Hannah Knowlton, Tim Walston, Michael McNerney, William Cawley, Joe Divitale, Jack Schuster, Colin Fletcher, Jan Edwards, Fiona Donovan, Eileen Horta, Philip Rogers, Nancy Tracy, Bernard Weiser, Gregg Barbanell, Marcus LeVere, Ken Dackermann, Andy Davis, Damien Drew, Mildred Iatrou, Patrick Cicero, Cathie Speakman, Andrea D'Amico, Kirstine Wallis, Shane Thomas, Kelly Foreman, Tim McGaw, Julie Pearce, Marshall Winn, Andy Peach, Brian Best, Bryan Hirota, Kylie Lawson, Peter Savieri, Don Greenberg, Amy Hollywood Wixson, Patrick Carmiggelt, Greg Dennison, Steve Mann, Jay Nierenberg, John Decker, Kirsten Fazio, Tommy Dorsett, Brian Cox, Rob Heggie, Angelo Sahin, Jaime Norman, Patrick Ballin, Bob Wiatr, Aaron Cox, Pauline Grebert, Terry Rodman, Sara Henschke, Gregory L. McMurry, Tony Clark, Janet L. Earl, Denise Davis, Geoffrey Hall, Joni Jacobson, Rodney Burke, James Howe, Gary Mundheim, Ben Roberts, Chris Crowell, Kate McCarthy, Kevin Turner, Don Lee, Jeff Zaman, Gray Marshall, Aaron D. Weisblatt, Matt Dessero, AJ Calomay, Joe Kiely, Chris Navarro, Terry Rodman, Andrew MacDonald, Kelly Bumbarger, Sophie Leclerc, Melissa Brockman, Gillian Farrow, Marian Murray, Eric Thompson, Robert Carr, Darin Hilton, Kenneth Nakada, William Gammon, Deak Ferrand, Neil Greenberg, Lindsay Hallett, John Sanderson, Walter Van Veenendaal, Chris David, Mark Ellis
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based on novel or book, rock star, vampire, bite, queen, secret society, light, spontaneous combustion, fatal attraction, vampiress (female vampire)