Contract Killers (2008)

Contract Killers

Title: Contract Killers

Release Date: 2008-03-13

Genres: Action

Runtime: 86 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Contract Killers (2008) Full Movie Streaming


Everyone is expendable.

Watch Contract Killers full movie for free. Released in 2008, Contract Killers movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A CIA assassin attempts to break out of the contract killing business to try to lead a normal life. But when "the system" tracks her down and frames her for the death of her husband, she embarks on a path of revenge that leads her back into the life she tried to hard to abandon.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Contract Killers a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Frida Farrell, Nick Mancuso, Rhett Giles, Christian Willis, G. Anthony Joseph, Steve Boergadine, Wolf Muser, Lee Sherman, Paul Cram, Justin Smith, Corey Beauregard, David Bermejo, Julia Denton, Scott duPont, Jamie Marie Roebuck Joseph, Elizabeth Judith, Jillian Kinsman, Chase Link, Russell D. Mercier, Randy Molnar, Randy Robinson, Marc Shapins, Kim R. Smith, Leander Suleiman, Valensky Sylvain, Brewier Welch, Jeremy Wood


Justin Rhodes, Justin Rhodes, Justin Rhodes, Ric Moxley, Ric Moxley, Andre Lascaris, Justin Rhodes, Michael Mouracade, Steve Boergadine, Dave Cabral, Julian Caine, Richard Chin Fatt, Mary Dee, Chris George, G. Anthony Joseph, Ria Roebuck Joseph, Marie Lattuca, Mike Lattuca, Ian Philip, Andre Powder, Daniel Springen, Rick Warren, Gerald I. Wolff, Daniel Rogers, John Rusnak, Holley D. Morgan, David Rende, Sarah Fleming, Jennifer Castro, Jennifer Castro, Lorella Hoyte, Giselle Morle, Zak Farmer, Marc Shapins, Bryan Belmore, Lori Burchfield, Marc Shapins, Bryan Meacham, Holley D. Morgan, Joseph E. Stone

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