Knowing (2009)
Title: Knowing
Release Date: 2009-03-19
Genres: Action, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller
Runtime: 121 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Knowing (2009) Full Movie Streaming
What happens when the numbers run out?
Watch Knowing full movie for free. Released in 2009, Knowing movie was made with a budget of $50,000,000 and has earned $155,446,362 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A teacher opens a time capsule that has been dug up at his son's elementary school; in it are some chilling predictions -- some that have already occurred and others that are about to -- that lead him to believe his family plays a role in the events that are about to unfold.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Knowing a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Nicolas Cage, Rose Byrne, Chandler Canterbury, Ben Mendelsohn, Nadia Townsend, Terry Camilleri, Lara Robinson, Adrienne Pickering, Danielle Carter, Alethea McGrath, David Lennie, D.G. Maloney, Alan Hopgood, Joshua Long, Tamara Donnellan, Travis Waite, Liam Hemsworth, Harli Ames, Alyssa McClelland, Gareth Yuen, Lesley Anne Mitchell, Raymond Thomas, Angie Diaz, Kate Mylius
Ryne Douglas Pearson, Gregory Apps, Steve Tisch, Simon Duggan, Richard Learoyd, Todd Black, Marco Beltrami, Stephen Jones, Alex Proyas, Topher Dow, Norman Golightly, Juliet Snowden, Alex Proyas, Ryne Douglas Pearson, David Bloomfield, Stiles White, Jason Blumenthal, Steven Jones-Evans, Terry Ryan, Chelsea Bruland, Chris Anderson, Ludwig van Beethoven, Betty Fotofili, Robert Threadgold, Carrie McLaughlin, Eddie Yansick, Jane Mancini, Ilona Herman, Milena Romanin, Andrew Jackson, Peter Grace, Jennifer Stanfield, Lesley Vanderwalt, Caitlin McKenna, Sean Perrone, Peter Kent, Ross Emery, Jody Muston, Karen Mansfield, Toby Copping, Paula Ryan, Lesley Vanderwalt, Chaz Lyon, Vanessa Younger, Kimble Rendall, Colleen Clarke, Simon Leadley, Warwick Sadler, Andrew Walpole, Peter Pound, Chris O'Shea, Ian Richter, Robert Sullivan, Peter McCaffrey, David Elmes, Aaron Kaplan, Steve E. Andrews, Michelle McGahey, Giovanni Pacialeo, Bruce Phillips, Alex Laguna, Jennifer Stanfield, Ashley Johnson, Phil Heywood, Jennifer Cornwell, Shanthi Nadaraja, Eric Durst, Ryne Douglas Pearson, Shaun Conway, Robyn McFarlane, Tim Ryan, Nicki Gardiner, Serena Gattuso, Angelo Sahin
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