The Truth on the Savolta Affair (1980)
Title: The Truth on the Savolta Affair
Release Date: 1980-02-04
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 120 minutes
Status: Released
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Watch The Truth on the Savolta Affair full movie for free. Released in 1980, The Truth on the Savolta Affair movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Barcelona between 1917 and 1923. Is the era of gangsterism, during which gunmen clash between anarchists and thugs paid by The Patronal showed a shocking number of deaths. The confrontation between anarchists and workers of the factory owners Savolta arms worsens when Savolta family decides to end the rebellion hiring murderers hired and plotting to hide their illegal transactions with Germany. Adapted from the novel by Eduardo Mendoza.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Truth on the Savolta Affair a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
José Luis López Vázquez, Charles Denner, Omero Antonutti, Ovidi Montllor, Alfredo Pea, Stefania Sandrelli, Pau Garsaball, Alfred Lucchetti, Ettore Manni, Florencio Calpe, Roger Ibáñez, Carlos Lucena, Julia Goytisolo, Virginie Billetdoux, Carla Cristi, Rafael Anglada, Fernando Ulloa, Dora Santacreu, Mercedes Gil, Norberto Rauch, José Luis Aguirre, Alberto Vila, Esteban Dalmases, Josep Maria Domènech, Joan Estrada, Marta Flores, Julio Núñez, Fredy Ripers, Anne Caprile
Antonio Drove, Gilberto Azevedo, Guillermo S. Maldonado, Luis Castro, Luciano Berriatúa, Luis Del Pino, Miguel Ángel Pérez Campos, Eduardo Mendoza, Luis Argüello, Francisco Marín, Joan Minguell, Ilga Penezis, Carlos Ramón Lluch, Lucinda García, Ricardo Albarrán, Santos Merino, Josep Guerrero, Andrés Vicente Gómez, Ricardo Albarrán, José María Ochoa, Antonio Drove, Emilia López, Josep Rosell i Palau, Carlos Cabeceràn, Ramon Ivars, Julián Buraya, Emiliano Otegui, Carmen Correa, Jaume Peracaula, Luis Álvarez, Joaquín Navarro, Antoni Verdaguer, Carlos Boué, Victor Guasch, Xavier Basté, Hipólita Gómez, Egisto Macchi, José López Moreno, Gabino García, Antonio Felices, Esperanza Cobos, Antonio Larreta, Enrique Molinero, Xavier Camí, Luis Poirot, Fermín Liarte
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based on novel or book, barcelona, spain