Once Upon a Time (1973)
Title: Once Upon a Time
Release Date: 1973-12-12
Genres: Animation, Family, Fantasy
Runtime: 78 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Once Upon a Time (1973) Full Movie Streaming
The greatest fairy tale of them all!
Watch Once Upon a Time full movie for free. Released in 1973, Once Upon a Time movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
One day, Maria meets a prince who gives her a magic stone but then her stepsister steals it and throws it down a well. While trying to retrieve the stone, Maria falls in and awakens in a magical realm.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Once Upon a Time a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Arnold Marquis, Ursula Heyer, Wolfgang Spier, Harry Wüstenhagen, Tilly Lauenstein
Luigi Gavioli, Paolo Piffarerio, Paolo Albicocco, Giorgio Forlani, Angelo Legramandi, Giovanni Ferrari, Riccardo Denti, Walter Cavazzuti, Hanni Krellenberg, Bambina Galimberti Jeri, Maria Luigia Piffarerio, Wolfgang Spier, Irene Kauka, Hans Endrulat, Hartmut Bank, Rolf Kauka, Rolf Kauka
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