The Great Year (2003)

The Great Year

Title: The Great Year

Release Date: 2003-08-01


Runtime: 46 minutes

Status: Released

Watch The Great Year (2003) Full Movie Streaming


How much did the ancients really know?

Watch The Great Year full movie for free. Released in 2003, The Great Year movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

The Great Year is a compelling documentary that explores the possibility that the fall of ancient civilizations around the globe, and the rise of modern civilization, might be related to our Sun’s motion around a companion star. The film examines evidence that ancient civilizations may have known of this celestial cycle and that our Sun may indeed display the characteristics of binary motion. Just as the Earth’s spin on its axis causes day and night and our planet’s annual orbit around the Sun is responsible for the ongoing cycle of the seasons, what if there is some greater celestial cycle, lasting thousands of years, slowly influencing the rise and fall of civilization across the globe? Where is the evidence? What could be the cause?

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Great Year a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


James Earl Jones, Walter Cruttenden, John Anthony West, Uwe Homann, Werner Däppen, Brother Achalananda, Ronald J. Mellor


Robert Ballo

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ancient history, astronomy, yuga cycles