Seed (2006)
Title: Seed
Release Date: 2006-11-03
Genres: Horror
Runtime: 90 minutes
Status: Released
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Nothing Can Prepare You For...
Watch Seed full movie for free. Released in 2006, Seed movie was made with a budget of $10,000,000 and has earned $155,362 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
After surviving the electric chair, convicted serial killer Max Seed is buried alive. He digs himself out of the grave and goes on a killing spree. Taking revenge on the men who put him there and random unfortunates alike.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Seed a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Michael Paré, Will Sanderson, Ralf Moeller, Jodelle Ferland, Thea Gill, Andrew Jackson, Phillip Mitchell, Mike Dopud, John Sampson, Tyron Leitso, Michael Eklund, Brad Turner
Uwe Boll, Uwe Boll, Uwe Boll, Dan Clarke, Shawn Williamson, Mathias Neumann, Maria Livingstone, Jessica de Rooij, Tink, John Alvarez, Joanne Leblanc, Tanya Howard, Max Feldman, Dylan Patti, David Curley, Karie Adkens, Innis McCourty, Isaac Terpstra, Deni King, Brian Campbell, Dario DiSanto, James Fonnyadt, David Scott, Dave Hibbert, Gord Hillier, Graeme Hughes, John Sleep, Elaine Fung, Sean Gilhooly, Roula Lainas, Adam Stern, Kevin Struckman, Injoon Hwang, Jesse Deacon, Darren McLean, Jessica Moskal, Vince Phillips, Chris Helcermanas-Benge, Aieisha Li, Gary Lam, Hal Beckett, Meagan Carsience, Jeannine Dupuy, Jason Crosby, Ed Anders
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revenge, serial killer, electric chair, disgusted