Star Time (1992)
Title: Star Time
Release Date: 1992-01-20
Genres: Mystery, Crime, Horror
Runtime: 85 minutes
Status: Released
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Watch Star Time full movie for free. Released in 1992, Star Time movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
When his favorite television show is canceled, Henry Pinkle is driven over the edge and decides to commit suicide. Then he meets Sam Bones, a mysterious agent who promises happiness and stardom if he follows his instructions.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Star Time a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Michael St. Gerard, John P. Ryan, Maureen Teefy, Thomas Newman, Dana Dantine, Duncan Roulend, Robert Resnick, Angel Santana, Renza Mizbani, Donald Paul Pemrick, Andy Hart, Sandra Lee, John-Emmanuel Gartmann, Imogene Grant, Kathy Andrews, Nancy Kaufman, Simone Fievez, Paul Kaufman, Rory J. Aylward, Chuck Hart, Maggie Schmidt, Larry Goodhue, Jon Provost, Terry Mitchell, Lisa Malkiewicz, Maria Diaz, Judy Carmen
Donald Paul Pemrick, Carey Meyer, David Neil Jensen, Donny Miele, Blake Leyh, Fernando Argüelles, Renza Mizbani, Stan Salfas, Stan Salfas, Alexander Cassini, Alexander Cassini, Alexander Cassini, Megan Barnett, Shawna Trpcic, Dean Hayasaka, Janusz Kamiński, David A. Makin, Mark Gerard, Joseph Jett Sally, Michael R. Long, Chris Nielsen, Ross Silverman, Gregory L. Everage, Jay Wakefield, Philip J. Jones, Fabio Golombek, Marla K. Bechtel, Annie M. L. Tien, Sigurbjorg Kleiner, Tracy Hendershott, Debbie Wreyford, Laura LeMaire, Steve Johnson, David Lerner, Geoff Seaman, Ron Coons, Rocker Meadows, Bruce Green, Dan Blagg, Andrea Claire, James Abbott, Iain Blodwell, Steve Vieceli, Timothy Polzin, Gregory B. Atkins, Theodor Reinke, Hamilton Camp, Craig Hermo, Gregory Concors, Lee Kissik, Holly MacConkey, Terrence James, Houman Forough, Annette Martinez-Novo, Dale Strumpell, Dave Nelson, Steve Goodfriend, Marjorie L. Hagar, Anne McGlynn, Kris Force, Robert Randles, Louise Mingenbach, Lauren Mazow, Daniel Faraldo, C.J. Deering, Candace Veach, Gabriela Bacher, Ian McVey, Keira Morrisette, Peter Schmidt, Andrew Glover, Frank Long, Matt DeWan, Margaux L. Lancaster, Michele Bloom, Lee Lainer, Lisa Campbell, Philip J. Jones, Barbara Tuss, Aletha Rodgers, Geneviève Leyh, Sergio Coro
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