Fly! Peek the Whale (1991)

Fly! Peek the Whale

Title: Fly! Peek the Whale

Release Date: 1991-05-22

Genres: Animation, Adventure, Drama

Runtime: 80 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Fly! Peek the Whale (1991) Full Movie Streaming


Watch Fly! Peek the Whale full movie for free. Released in 1991, Fly! Peek the Whale movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

As a little boy Kei saw his fisherman father lost at sea only seconds after catching his parting gift of a pan flute carved from whalebone. A few years later young Kei and his kid brother Moito discover a baby whale trapped by a rock in a shallow inlet near the Spanish coast.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Fly! Peek the Whale a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Noriko Sakai, Kazutoshi Ikura, Norio Wakamoto, Fumio Matsuoka, Keiko Yokozawa, Shozo Iizuka, Kenichi Ono, Shin Aomori, Fumi Dan


Satoru Utsunomiya, Satoru Utsunomiya, Koji Morimoto, Ei Inoue, Shigetaka Kiyoyama, Masaharu Tada, Kouichi Arai, Shinji Hashimoto, Toshiyuki Inoue, Shujirou Hamakawa, Toshihisa Kaiya, Hitoshi Haga, Toshiyuki Inoue, Toru Hishiyama, Kazuo Inoue, Keiko Nobumoto, Hideto Hara, Koji Morimoto

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