BMX Bandits (1983)
Title: BMX Bandits
Release Date: 1983-12-29
Genres: Adventure, Crime, Drama
Runtime: 92 minutes
Status: Released
Watch BMX Bandits (1983) Full Movie Streaming
They're burning up the streets!
Watch BMX Bandits full movie for free. Released in 1983, BMX Bandits movie was made with a budget of $980,385 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Teens P.J. and Goose get their thrills on BMX bikes, performing hair-raising tricks all across Sydney, Australia. Along with their new friend Judy, they discover a box of walkie-talkies -- and find out that a gang of criminals intends to use them to monitor police signals during a bank robbery. When the young trio snatches the devices, it propels them on a hair-raising adventure in which their pedaling skills might just save their necks.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made BMX Bandits a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Nicole Kidman, James Lugton, Angelo D'Angelo, David Argue, John Ley, Bryan Marshall, Brian Sloman, Peter Browne, Bill Brady, Linda Newton, Bob Hicks, Guy Norris, Chris Hession, Norman Hodges, Anthony Alafaci
John Seale, Brian Trenchard-Smith, Pip Shapiera, Carolynne Cunningham, Lesley McLennan, David Hardie, Sue Blainey, Bob Howard, Ian Kenny, Ross Berryman, Derrick Chetwyn, Robin Judge, Ken Hammond, Linda Ray, Phil Judd, Jim Walker, Reg Garside, Louis Irving, Sally Gordon, Bliss Swift, Sam Bienstock, Derry Field, Willi Kenrick, Chris Murray, Bob Hicks, Gary Carden, Carolynne Cunningham, Peter Mardell, Andrew Steuart, Boris Janjic, Steve Mason, Murray Robertson, Gethin Creagh, Frank Strangio, Paul F. Davies, Tom Broadbridge, Patrick Edgeworth, Alan Lake, Russell Hagg, Susie Maizels, Colin Stead, Brian Burgess, Ross Major
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australia, beach, robbery, chase, kidnapping, hostage, bank, bicycle, bmx, cementery, cycling