The Room (2003)

The Room

Title: The Room

Release Date: 2003-06-27

Genres: Drama, Romance

Runtime: 99 minutes

Status: Released

Watch The Room (2003) Full Movie Streaming


Can you ever really trust anyone?

Watch The Room full movie for free. Released in 2003, The Room movie was made with a budget of $6,000,000 and has earned $1,752,988 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Johnny is a successful banker with great respect for and dedication to the people in his life, especially his future wife Lisa. The happy-go-lucky guy sees his world being torn apart when his friends begin to betray him one-by-one.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Room a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Tommy Wiseau, Juliette Danielle, Greg Sestero, Philip Haldiman, Carolyn Minnott, Robyn Paris, Kyle Vogt, Scott Holmes, Greg Ellery, Dan Janjigian, Piper Gore, Kari McDermott, Jennifer Vanderbliek, Bennett Dunn, Padma Moyer, Daron Jennings, Thomas E. Webster, Nora DeMarcky, Arelle Mitkowski, Frank Willey


Tommy Wiseau, Safowa Bright-Asare, Eric Chase, Troy Allen, Donald Lyles, Zsolt Magyar, Richard Zimmerman, Kendra Hollaway, Amy Von Brock, Stanley Kastner, Mercedes Younger, Charles D. Ballard, Matt von Brock, Stefan Tarzan, Cicero De Moraes, Andrew Harwood, Persia Matine, Persia Matine, Sheri Ortkiese, Wade Whitley, Sandy Schklair, David Ortkiese, Gayle Hilary, Don Presley, Rudy Harbon, Greg Sestero, Sandy Schklair, Tommy Wiseau, Tommy Wiseau, Tommy Wiseau, Chloe Lietzke, Mladen Milicevic, Chloe Lietzke, Eric Chase, Todd Barron, Drew Caffrey, Marcus Metsala, Jacob Bick, Joseph M. Setele

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