The Most Beautiful (1944)
Title: The Most Beautiful
Release Date: 1944-04-13
Genres: Drama, War
Runtime: 85 minutes
Status: Released
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Watch The Most Beautiful full movie for free. Released in 1944, The Most Beautiful movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
The stories of several young women who work in a 'precision optical instruments' factory during the second World War. Despite illness, injury, and tremendous personal hardship, the women persevere in their tasks, devoted to their work and their country's cause.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Most Beautiful a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Takashi Shimura, Shôji Kiyokawa, Ichirō Sugai, Takako Irie, Yôko Yaguchi, Sayuri Tanima, Sachiko Ozaki, Shizuko Nishigaki, Asako Suzuki, Haruko Toyama, Aiko Masu, Kazuko Hitomi, Shizuko Yamada, Itoko Kōno, Emiko Rei, Haruko Mii, Minori Toyohara, Eiko Hirayama, Harue Yamashita, Mineko Mashiro, Isuzu Miyakawa, Michiko Oikawa, Teruko Kato, Akitake Kōno, Unpei Yokoyama, Chieko Nakakita, Koyuri Tanima
Akira Kurosawa, Akira Kurosawa, Motohiko Itô, Jin Usami, Teruaki Abe, Seiichi Suzuki, Jôji Ohara
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factory, world war ii, working women, optical, musical instruments