Louis Cyr: The Strongest Man in the World (2013)

Louis Cyr: The Strongest Man in the World

Title: Louis Cyr: The Strongest Man in the World

Release Date: 2013-07-12

Genres: Drama, History

Runtime: 130 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Louis Cyr: The Strongest Man in the World (2013) Full Movie Streaming


Watch Louis Cyr: The Strongest Man in the World full movie for free. Released in 2013, Louis Cyr: The Strongest Man in the World movie was made with a budget of $8,500,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Biopic of Louis Cyr, strongest man in the world at the end of the 19th Century.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Louis Cyr: The Strongest Man in the World a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Antoine Bertrand, Guillaume Cyr, Rose-Maïté Erkoreka, Gilbert Sicotte, Gil Bellows, Cliff Saunders, Amélie Grenier, Éliane Gagnon, Naomi La, Frédéric Lemay, Charles-Olivier Pelletier, Nico Racicot, Normand Carrière, Marilyn Castonguay, Elias Toufexis, Dave Simard, Simon Boudreau, Neil Kroetsch, Gaston Caron, Alain Lépine, Olivier Archambault-Bouffard, Patrick Caux, Eugene Brotto, Chris Cavener, Charlotte Comtois, Irlande Côté, Myriam Côté, Martin Dansky, Pierre Gaudette, Alain Goulem, Annabelle Guérin, Mireille Jodoin, Thomas Liccioni, Marc-Olivier Maheu, Olivia Palacci, Maude Payette, Marc Primeau, Sébastien Rouleau, Dany Tanguay, Brian D. Wright, Émilise Lessard-Therrien, Michael Richard


Stéphanie Héroux, Carmen Alie, Yvann Thibaudeau, Christian Larouche, Daniel Roby, Sylvain Guy, Nicole Hilaréguy, Michel Proulx, Nicolas Bolduc, Caroline Héroux, Antoine Morin, Catherine Hébert, Christian Rivest, Cynthia Carrier, David Raymond

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quebec, biography, strong man, 19th century, circus act, strongman