Trip on the Danube (1963)

Trip on the Danube

Title: Trip on the Danube

Release Date: 1963-04-05

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 90 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Trip on the Danube (1963) Full Movie Streaming


Watch Trip on the Danube full movie for free. Released in 1963, Trip on the Danube movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Trip on the Danube a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Karol Machata, Emil Horváth st., František Dibarbora, Mária Kráľovičová, Martin Gregor, Jozef Hanúsek, Miloš Nesvadba, Eva Krivánková, Hana Grissová, Jozef Dóczy, Ernest Kostelník, Michal Belák, Mária Sýkorová, Ervin Kibédi, Dalma Špitzerová, Michal Dočolomanský, Oszkár Ascher, László Kabos, Jozef Cút, Ferdinand Lehotský, Branislav Koreň, Karol Baláž, Eugen Senaj, Viliam Polónyi, Jozef Kuchár, Milan Lasica, Július Satinský, Zita Furková, Teréz Várhegyi, Zora Kolínská, Karol Skovay, Nina Vjazovcová, Božena Slabejová, Jozef Režucha, Rudolf Kováč, Jaroslav Vrzala, Gašpar Arbet ml., Imrich Fábry, Gejza Maráky, Ernest Kostelník


Juraj Špitzer, Juraj Špitzer, Oskar Havlík, Júlia Morvicová, Oľga Maiová, Milan Kovačič, Mikuláš Kravjanský, Milan Strojný, Mátyás Csizmarek, Jozef Alexander Tallo, Augustín Riccini, František Lukeš, Ján Tomaškovič, Jozef Škopek, Jozef Režucha, Juraj Ježo, Karel Krautgartner, Jozef Belan, Gejza Maráky, Vincentína Klenovská, Jolana Kalamárová, Milena Doskočová, Klotilda Kováčová, Milan Lasica, Jaromír Dlouhý, Pavol Sarvaš, Rudolf Kováč, Maximilián Remeň, Jaroslav Plavec, Karol Bakoš, Ján Lacko

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