One Man's War (1974)

One Man's War

Title: One Man's War

Release Date: 1974-01-18

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 108 minutes

Status: Released

Watch One Man's War (1974) Full Movie Streaming


Watch One Man's War full movie for free. Released in 1974, One Man's War movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Man leaves his factory job and sells everything to buy an earth mover and start his own business, travelling from place to place with his wife and child. There is not enough work and he is eventually forced to emigrate after many hardships.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made One Man's War a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Eero Rinne, Tuula Nyman, Tauno Hautaniemi, Martti Pennanen, Aimo Heino, Maarit Rinne, Ruben Lehtonen, Jorma Pulkkinen, Matti Vienovirta, Marita Vienovirta, Anna Hakala, Hannes Veivo, Risto Jarva, Matti Kuortti, Timo Linnasalo, Antti Peippo, Erkki Peltomaa, Orvokki Taivalsaari


Risto Jarva, Risto Jarva, Jussi Kylätasku, Kullervo Kukkasjärvi, Risto Jarva, Tuomo Kattilakoski, Matti Kuortti, Timo Linnasalo, Erkki Peltomaa, Orvokki Taivalsaari, Antti Peippo

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marriage, business ethics, poverty, construction site, construction, unemployment, entrepreneur, kitchen sink realism