Scarecrow (2013)
Title: Scarecrow
Release Date: 2013-10-05
Genres: Horror, Science Fiction, Action
Runtime: 85 minutes
Status: Released
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Watch Scarecrow full movie for free. Released in 2013, Scarecrow movie was made with a budget of $2,000,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
For generations, it was an urban legend that lived in the nightmares of children. Now, the season to rejuvenate the tale will revive a town's darkest fears. With the Scarecrow Festival on the horizon, school teacher Aaron Harris is doling out punishment for six students serving detention. Their task: help Aaron's girlfriend Amanda fix her family farm before it's sold. But the cornfields circling the farm come with a legend and Tyler takes macabre delight in recounting the tale: It never sleeps, it never dies, it can't be stopped, hear their cries.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Scarecrow a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Lacey Chabert, Brittney Wilson, Julia Maxwell, Nicole Muñoz, Robin Dunne, Iain Belcher, Richard Harmon, Carlo Marks, Reilly Dolman, Lanie McAuley, Kevin O'Grady, Jerry Wasserman, Keenan Tracey
Sheldon Wilson, Rick Suvalle, Jamie Goehring, Beverley Wowchuk, Eric J. Goldstein, Tony Dean Smith, Joel Echallier, Kevin Leslie, Jelmer Boskma, Baron Shaver, Daren Luc Sasges, Dario DiSanto, James Wallace, Kevin Belen, Chris Gilling, Iain Pattison, Kirby Jinnah, Marco Ciccone, Jim Stacey, Brad Whitlock, Ed Araquel, David Dolsen, Darren McLean, Patricia De Souza, Kevin Tseng, Danny McWilliams, Jen Oberem, Douglas G. Davis, Kevin Leeson, Kevin Leslie, Christina O'Shea-Daly, Jonathan Shore, Shawn Williamson, Sheldon Wilson, Clint Carleton, Cassandra Ebner, Katie Stuart, Paul Wu, Matthew Rogers
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farm, urban legend, detention, supernatural creature, killer scarecrow