The Daughter of the Lawyer (1926)
Title: The Daughter of the Lawyer
Release Date: 1926-11-08
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 92 minutes
Status: Released
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Watch The Daughter of the Lawyer full movie for free. Released in 1926, The Daughter of the Lawyer movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In Recife, Dr. Paulo is an important lawyer that has a daughter, Heloísa, with his paramour and living in the country. A few days before traveling to Europe, Dr. Paulo asks to a close friend to bring Heloísa to Recife. Meanwhile, his bohemian and irresponsible son Helvécio meets Heloísa, and without knowing that she is his sister, he tries to rape her, and she kills him. Heloísa is arrested and goes to trial without any evidence to prove that she self-defended her honor.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Daughter of the Lawyer a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Demétrio Age, Creusa Albuquerque, Olegário Azevedo, Moacir Campos, Pedro Carvalho, Ferreira Castro, Valderez de Souza, Alvaro Gomes, Adamastor Guerra, Euclides Jardim, Fred Júnior, Mário Lima, Dustan Maciel, Pepino Maciel, Diamantina Menezes, Adelita Monteiro, Pedro Neves, Carmen Nolasco, Durval Nunes, Jasmelina Oliveira, Sizenanda Pavão, Norma Sales, Oliria Salgado, Pedro Salgado, J. Soares, Zacarias Souza, Severino Steves, Guiomar Teixeira, Norberto Teixeira, Luis Marques
J. Soares, Ary Severo
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