A Prewar Grandmother (1974)

A Prewar Grandmother

Title: A Prewar Grandmother

Release Date: 1974-03-06

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 91 minutes

Status: Released

Watch A Prewar Grandmother (1974) Full Movie Streaming


Watch A Prewar Grandmother full movie for free. Released in 1974, A Prewar Grandmother movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Doña Emilia lives quietly in a village in Lugo, when she receives the news that her son has suffered an accident. So she travels to Madrid without warning.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made A Prewar Grandmother a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Isabel Garcés, Alberto de Mendoza, Helga Liné, Josele Román, Guadalupe Muñoz Sampedro, Nadiuska, Deborah Coletti, Francisco Cecilio, Ramón Pons, Antonio Pica, José Riesgo, Pastor Serrador, Carmen Martínez Sierra, Simón Arriaga, José María Caffarel, Nené Morales, Julio Hara, Maria Gianni, Francisco Amorós, Luis Baggiani, Oscar Penas, Luis Olmos, Clara Urbina, Antonio P. Costafreda, Javier Gilabert, Marisa Bell, Rex Martín, Juan Sala, Lone Fleming, Manuel Calvo, Montserrat Julió, Lali Romay, Adolfo Alises, Luis Rico, Angelines Larrodé, Simón Ramírez


Vicente Escrivá, Vicente Escrivá, María Eugenia Escrivá, Pedro del Rey, Sinesio Isla, Vicente Coello, Eduardo Noé, Julio Sánchez Caballero, Vicente Escrivá hijo, Blanca Rodríguez, Raúl Pérez Cubero, Francisca Guillot, Antón García Abril, Jesús Jiménez, Pedro Ramírez, Vicente Escrivá, Miguel Sesé, Ramiro De Maeztu, Juan de la Flor, Julián Fernández, Adolfo Cofiño, Rosa García

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