Aloft (2014)


Title: Aloft

Release Date: 2014-02-12

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 112 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Aloft (2014) Full Movie Streaming


Watch Aloft full movie for free. Released in 2014, Aloft movie was made with a budget of $8,000,000 and has earned $53,086 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

As we follow a mother and her son, we delve into a past marred by an accident that tears them apart. She will become a renowned artist and healer, and he will grow into his own and a peculiar falconer who bears the marks of a double absence. In the present, a young journalist will bring about an encounter between the two that puts the very meaning of life and art into question, so that we may contemplate the possibility of living life to its fullest, despite the uncertainties littering our paths.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Aloft a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Jennifer Connelly, Cillian Murphy, Mélanie Laurent, William Shimell, Zen McGrath, Peter McRobbie, Winta McGrath, Nancy Drake, Judy Cook, Carson Nattrass, Oona Chaplin, Aurore Pariente


Claudia Llosa, Claudia Llosa, Marina Fuentes Arredonda, Rhonda Baker, Ricardo Marco Budé, Ibon Cormenzana, Ángel Durández, Ignasi Estapé, Sandra Hermida, Mark Johnson, Phyllis Laing, José María Morales, Miguel Morales, Ignacio Salazar-Simpson, Sandra Tapia Díaz, Jérôme Vidal, Nicolas Bolduc, Guillermo de la Cal, Eugenio Caballero, Stephen Arndt, Réjean Labrie, Diana Choi, Michael Fontaine, Chris Kelly, Jennifer Machnee, Michael Marino, Travis Marszalek, Doug Morrow, Eve Morrow, Yoichi Art Sakamoto, Cindy e Smith-McGuire, Alisha Talbot, Lluís Castells, Eloi Bartolomé, Llorenç Borràs, Toni Buenavida, Berta Coderch, Jaume Creus, Alvaro Gasco, Guillermo Orbe, Eduard Puertas, Paula Rubio, Sean Skene, Leon Johnson, Belén López Albert, Eric Neufeld, Fabiola Ordoyo, Marc Orts, Tom Ryan, Michael Brook

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new age, woman director, healer