Day of the Woman (1978)

Day of the Woman

Title: Day of the Woman

Release Date: 1978-11-02

Genres: Horror, Thriller

Runtime: 101 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Day of the Woman (1978) Full Movie Streaming


After it was all over... she waited... then she struck back in a way only a WOMAN can!

Watch Day of the Woman full movie for free. Released in 1978, Day of the Woman movie was made with a budget of $80,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A young, beautiful career woman rents a backwoods cabin to write her first novel. Attacked by a group of local lowlifes and left for dead, she devises a horrific plan to inflict revenge.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Day of the Woman a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Camille Keaton, Eron Tabor, Richard Pace, Anthony Nichols, Gunter Kleemann, Alexis Magnotti, Tammy Zarchi, Terry Zarchi, Traci Ferrante, William Tasgal, Isaac Agami, Ronit Haviv


Meir Zarchi, Meir Zarchi, Meir Zarchi, Joseph Zbeda, Meir Zarchi, Nouri Haviv, Alex Pfau, Steven Sklar, Michel Carton, Armine Minassian, Michael Penland, William Tasgal, Joan Puma, Beriau Picard, Beriau Picard

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rape, castration, revenge, gang rape, writer, cruelty, brutality, hanging, misogyny, mentally handicapped man, rape and revenge, video nasty, emasculation, left for dead, independent film, banned film