Squirm (1976)


Title: Squirm

Release Date: 1976-07-30

Genres: Horror

Runtime: 92 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Squirm (1976) Full Movie Streaming


This was the night of the CRAWLING TERROR!

Watch Squirm full movie for free. Released in 1976, Squirm movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A violent electrical storm topples power lines into the rain soaked earth that is home for an aggressive breed of worms. The high voltage causes the worms to mutate into larger, hostile hordes of man-eating worms that lie in wait for the residents of Fly Creek.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Squirm a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Don Scardino, Patricia Pearcy, R.A. Dow, Jean Sullivan, Peter MacLean, Fran Higgins, William Newman, Barbara Quinn, Carl Dagenhart, Angel Sande, Carol Jean Owens, Kim Iocouvozzi, Walter Dimmick, Leslie Thorsen, Julia Klopp, Ralph Flanders, Albert Smith, Jim Shirah, Harold Mumm, W.A. Lindblatt


Geri Windsor, Jeff Lieberman, Jeff Lieberman, Edgar Lansbury, Brian Smedley-Aston, Joseph Mangine, Edgar Lansbury, Robert Prince, Henry Shrady, Joseph Beruh, Al Gramaglia, Neil Deluca, Mark Hindenburg, Bernard Stevens, Darrell Jonas, Bill Chant, Kevin Janicelli, Chris Balton, David Fatt, Jon Neuburger, Luis Vidal, Mik Cribben, Dan Sable, Dianne Finn-Chapman, R. Bruce Steinheimer, Bob Ippolito, Bill Milling, Bill Lister, Harriet Glickstein, Judy Rosenthal, Lee Howard, Norman Page, Don Farnsworth, Don Blackburn, Peter Kean, Al Gramaglia, Rick Baker

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small town, jealousy, love triangle, obsession, light, flooding, georgia, rural area, power outage, missing person, worms, human skeleton, eco-horror