Balnearios (2002)
Title: Balnearios
Release Date: 2002-04-23
Genres: Documentary
Runtime: 82 minutes
Status: Released
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Watch Balnearios full movie for free. Released in 2002, Balnearios movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
An album of odd and humorous stories on small places exclusively dedicated to idleness, which are empty in winter and crowded in summer: the spa towns. Cities under water, luxury hotels, mermaids, sea animals, sand castles, people who worship water, praying for health.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Balnearios a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
José Palomino, Verónica Llinás, Daniel Natanson, Mario Mactas, Eduardo Gamba, Nicolás Goldbart, Rafael Filippelli, Ulises de la Orden, Astrid Lund Petersen, Sergio Saad, Eduardo 'Fatiga' Serrano, Wenceslao Bonelli, Luis Pierucci, Ricardo Mannero, Liliana Cuomo, Alejandro C. Zucco, Francisco Miguel Fernández, Roberto Edgar Ojeda, Osvaldo Lucero, Eugenia Varas, Mariano Llinás, Alejandro Zucco, Liliana Cuomo
Mariano Llinás, Agustín Rolandelli, Lucio Bonelli, Mariano Llinás, Nicolás Goldbart, Alejandro Israel, Gabriel Chwojnik, Juan Pablo Cambariere, Ana Mouriño, Alejandro Israel, Martín Mohadeb, Agustín Mendilaharzu, Guillermo Picco, Alejandro Zucco, Fernando Ribero, Federico Esquerro, Rufino Basavilbaso, Manuela Willimburgh
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beach, mockumentary, fake documentary