In Love and War (1996)
Title: In Love and War
Release Date: 1996-12-18
Genres: Drama, Romance
Runtime: 113 minutes
Status: Released
Watch In Love and War (1996) Full Movie Streaming
In war they found each other...In each other they found love...
Watch In Love and War full movie for free. Released in 1996, In Love and War movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $25,372,294 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
After teenage ambulance driver Ernest Hemingway takes shrapnel in the leg during World War I, he falls in love with Agnes von Kurowsky, a beautiful older nurse at the hospital where he's sent to recover. Their affair slowly blossoms, until Hemingway boldly asks Agnes to be his wife and journey to America with him.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made In Love and War a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Sandra Bullock, Chris O'Donnell, Mackenzie Astin, Margot Steinberg, Alan Bennett, Ingrid Lacey, George Rossi, Carlo Croccolo, Laura Nardi, Tara Hugo, Diane Witter, Allegra Di Carpegna, Mindy Lee Raskin, Tracy Hostmyer, Kaethe Cherney, Lauren Booth, Rebecca Craig, Frances Riddelle, Wendi Peters, Maria Petrucci, Valeria Fabbri, Ian Kelly, Colin Stinton, Vincenzo Nicoli, Raffaello Degruttola, Todd Curran, Emilio Bonucci, Matthew Sharp, Nick Brooks, Tom Goodman-Hill, Doreen Mantle, Vincent Riotta, Joseph Long, Kay Hawtrey, Noah Reid, Laura Martelli, Philippe Leroy, Richard Fitzpatrick, Terence Sach, Gigi Vivan, Giuseppe Bonato
Richard Attenborough, Allan Scott, Allan Scott, Dimitri Villard, Clancy Sigal, Anna Hamilton Phelan, Stuart Craig, Michael Stevenson, Roger Pratt, George Fenton, Les Benson, Henry S. Villard, James Nagel, Richard Attenborough, Janis Rothbard Chaskin, Diana Hawkins, Chris Kenny, Sara Risher, Dimitri Villard, Lesley Walker, Rene Haynes, Jeremy Zimmermann, Clare Walker, John King, Michael Lamont, Neil Lamont, Stephenie McMillan, Penny Rose, Eddie Stacey, Richard Bradshaw, Ray De-Haan, Tom Aitken, Dean Forster, Romo Gorrara, Mark Lisbon, Emma Stokes, Henry S. Villard, John Norster, Tim Wooster
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world war i, hemmingway