Eleven Pairs of Boots (1954)
Title: Eleven Pairs of Boots
Release Date: 1954-09-06
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 106 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Eleven Pairs of Boots (1954) Full Movie Streaming
Watch Eleven Pairs of Boots full movie for free. Released in 1954, Eleven Pairs of Boots movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Ignacio, a professional footballer, has sentimental and labor problems. His girlfriend is about to abandon him because of the constant displays of affection that the player receives from an attractive admirer. At the same time, Ignacio discovers that two of his teammates have been bribed by another team.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Eleven Pairs of Boots a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
José Suárez, Mari Carmen Pardo, Elisa Montés, José Isbert, Manolo Morán, Mary Santpere, Javier Armet, Jesús Colomer, Josep Maria Angelat, Francisco Javier Marcet, Antonio Ramallets, Mariano Martín, Emilio Aldecoa Gómez, José Samitier, Fernando Vallejo, Félix de Pomés, Enrique Aycart, María Victoria Durá, Carlos Ronda, Ramón Vaccaro, José Ramón Giner, Salvador Muñoz, Mariano Pombo, Luis Parellada, Eduardo Berraondo, Jorge Morales, Juan Monfort, Enrique Martí, Enrique Tusquets, Matías Prats Sr., Miguel Ángel Valdivieso, Federico Gallo, Manuel Cano, Alfredo Di Stéfano, Gabriel Alonso, Gustavo Biosca, Núria Espert, Enrique Fernández, Agustín Gainza Bikandi 'Piru Gainza', Juan Antonio Ipiña Iza, Enrique Lesmes, Miguel, Luis Molowny, Tete Montoliu, Joaquín Navarro Perona, Roque Olsen, Bernardino Pérez Elizarán 'Pasieguito', Antonio Puchades Casanova 'Puchades', Jacinto Quincoces, Juan Segarra, Ricardo Teruel, Venancio Pérez García 'Venancio', Telmo Zarraonandia Montoya 'Zarra', Marcelino Vaquero González del Río 'Campanal', Miguel Muñoz Mozún, César Ojinaga
Francisco Rovira Beleta, Alfonso Balcázar, Práxedes Martínez, Antonio Isasi-Isasmendi, Albert Gasset Nicolau, Manuel María Saló, Salvador Torres Garriga, Antonio Turell, Alfonso de Lucas, Josep Maria Forn, Pepita Pruna, Joan Dotras i Vila, Ricardo Albiñana, Luis Trías de Bes, Jesús Castro Blanco, Vicente Coello
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