The Doctor...the Schoolgirl (1976)
Title: The Doctor...the Schoolgirl
Release Date: 1976-06-08
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 92 minutes
Status: Released
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Watch The Doctor...the Schoolgirl full movie for free. Released in 1976, The Doctor...the Schoolgirl movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Claudia, a perky eighteen year-old girl, is crushed when her step mother prevents her from going on a vacation to London. She discovers her step mother is having an affair with a doctor and so, with the help of her friends, sets about getting her revenge.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Doctor...the Schoolgirl a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Gloria Guida, Jacques Dufilho, Pino Colizzi, Nieves Navarro, Riccardo Miniggio, Augusto Bonardi, Nicoletta Amadio, Enrico Beruschi, Antonietta Caputo, Gloria Poletti
Silvio Amadio, Silvio Amadio, Fernando Popoli, Roberto Pregadio, Fabrizio Pregadio, Marco Kusterman, Mauro Paravano, Ida Michelassi, Silvio Amadio, Adriano Merkel, Gina Ami, Alessandro Amoruto, Rodolfo Montagnani, Giovanni Sambuco, Marina Candidi, Olga Bonaccorsi, Antonio Maccoppi, Saverio D'Eugenio
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revenge, extramarital affair, schoolgirl, sex comedy, evil stepmother