The Crazies (1973)

The Crazies

Title: The Crazies

Release Date: 1973-03-16

Genres: Science Fiction, Thriller, Horror

Runtime: 103 minutes

Status: Released

Watch The Crazies (1973) Full Movie Streaming


Why are the good people dying?

Watch The Crazies full movie for free. Released in 1973, The Crazies movie was made with a budget of $275,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Citizens of a small town are infected by a biological weapon that causes its victims to become violently insane. As uninfected citizens struggle to survive, the military readies its own response.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Crazies a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Lane Carroll, Will MacMillan, Harold Wayne Jones, Lynn Lowry, Lloyd Hollar, Richard Liberty, Richard France, Harry Spillman, Bill Thunhurst, Stephen Liska, S. William Hinzman, Will Disney, Edith Bell, Leland Starnes, A.C. McDonald, Ross Harris


Michael Gornick, S. William Hinzman, A.C. Croft, George A. Romero, George A. Romero, George A. Romero, H. Cramer Riblett, Vincent D. Survinski, Paul McCollough, Margaret Walsh, Bonnie Priore, Bruce Roberts, Bob Rutkowski

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small town, biological weapon, quarantine, pennsylvania, usa, murder, disease, scientist, epidemic, death, military police, virus, plague, germ warfare