Socorro Nobre (1995)

Socorro Nobre

Title: Socorro Nobre

Release Date: 1995-11-08

Genres: Documentary

Runtime: 23 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Socorro Nobre (1995) Full Movie Streaming


Watch Socorro Nobre full movie for free. Released in 1995, Socorro Nobre movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

When the inmate Maria do Socorro Nobre reads an article about the Polish artist Franz Krajcberg in Veja magazine, she decides to write a letter to him. Socorro was sentenced to more than twenty-one years in a prison for women in Salvador, Bahia, while Franz is a tormented artist that lost his family and lived his childhood in a ghetto in Poland but survived the Holocaust. Franz moved to Brazil and recovered life wish living close to nature and inspires Socorro to dream with life again.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Socorro Nobre a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Franz Krajcberg, Socorro Nobre, Maria de Lourdes Lima, Maria José Santana, Renalice Santos Borges, Edith Alves da Cruz, Isabel Cristina


Walter Salles, Bruno Fernandes, Flávio Zangrandi, Eduardo Bid, Walter Salles, Mini Kerti, Antonio Pinto, Felipe Lacerda, Walter Salles, Walter Carvalho

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