Vampire Circus (1972)
Title: Vampire Circus
Release Date: 1972-04-30
Genres: Horror
Runtime: 87 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Vampire Circus (1972) Full Movie Streaming
Human fangs ripping throats - no sawdust can soak up the torrent of blood!
Watch Vampire Circus full movie for free. Released in 1972, Vampire Circus movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
After a spate of murders, the villagers of Schtettel kill the depraved perpetrator, Count Mitterhouse. Fifteen years later the Circus of Nights appeared in the plague-ridden village and its performers include Mitterhouse's mistress, children and cousins. They have come to Schtettel to fulfil the Count's last words, an evil, vicious curse of death and destruction on those who participated in his impaling. The children of Schtettel become the targets for a brutal and devastating revenge as the Vampire Circus rehearses for its most deadly performance.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Vampire Circus a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Adrienne Corri, Thorley Walters, Anthony Higgins, John Moulder-Brown, Laurence Payne, Richard Owens, Lynne Frederick, Skip Martin, Domini Blythe, Robert Tayman, Lalla Ward, Elizabeth Seal, Robin Hunter, John Bown, Mary Wimbush, Christine Paul-Podlasky, Robin Sachs, Roderick Shaw, Barnaby Shaw, David Prowse, Sibylla Kay, Dorothy Frere, Sean Hewitt, Giles Phibbs, Arnold Locke, Serena
Judson Kinberg, Wilbur Stark, David Whitaker, Moray Grant, Peter Musgrave, Robert Young, Don Picton, Claude Hitchcock, Roy Skeggs, Derek Whitehurst, James Liggat, Roy Hyde, Wally Byatt, Brian Owen-Smith, Tom Sachs, Arthur Banks, Philip Martell, June Randall, Jill Carpenter, Les Bowie, Anne McFadyen, Scott MacGregor
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