Allies (2014)


Title: Allies

Release Date: 2014-11-01

Genres: Action, War

Runtime: 90 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Allies (2014) Full Movie Streaming


United We Stand

Watch Allies full movie for free. Released in 2014, Allies movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

August 1944 two months after D-Day, the Allies are advancing across France. A team of British and American commandos are dropped behind enemy lines on a secret mission to ambush a German Officer and steal maps charting the location of the enemy artillery along the front line.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Allies a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Julian Ovenden, Chris Reilly, Matt Willis, Edmund Kingsley, Leon Vickers, Mark Moraghan, Paul Ridley, Frank Lebœuf, Steven Hartley, Erich Redman, Werner Daehn, Emmanuelle Bouaziz, Colin Mcleod, Jens Nier


Andy Thompson, Philippe Jakko, Georgina Napier, Dominic Burns, Mark Marlow, Richard Touch, Jeremy Sheldon, Tom George, Stuart Chambers, Claudio Ahlers, Tim Major, Poppy Lloyd, Matthew McCabe, Daisy Tian Dai, Ian Palmer, Edgar Vidal, Dan Styles, Kiku Vidal, Federica Arevalo, Dominic Burns, Luke Bryant, Guillermo Álvarez Villaescusa, Tom Dunne, Fiona Alexander, Lawrence Gallagher, Gabriella Morpeth, Fiona Alexander, Francesco Bori, Vince Knight, Andrew Michael Fletcher, Mimi Milburn-Foster, Dan Osborne, Amed Hashimi, Leo Olesker, Nick Jeffries, David Tatchell, Adam Goodall, Emma Biggins, Edward Lloyd, Deloris Collins, Molly Stuart, Chris F. Taylor, Mike Woodley, Clare Gregory, Ruth Pease, Liam Byrne, Paul Dimmer, Richard Lee Clines, Max Allen, Simon Haveland, Janka Neustupova

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