Italiano medio (2015)
Title: Italiano medio
Release Date: 2015-01-29
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 90 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Italiano medio (2015) Full Movie Streaming
Watch Italiano medio full movie for free. Released in 2015, Italiano medio movie was made with a budget of $1,816,720 and has earned $4,541,800 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A committed environmentalist whose hyperfixation with everything that's wrong with the world is taking a toll on his marriage tries a pill that reduces human brain capacity from the usual 20% to a mere 2%. Which puts him on a par with your typical man on the street.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Italiano medio a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Maccio Capatonda, Herbert Ballerina, Enrico Venti, Barbara Tabita, Lavinia Longhi, Rupert Sciamenna, Nino Frassica, Raul Cremona, Andrea Scanzi, Pierluigi Pardo, Giampaolo Gambi, Lorenzo Galbiati, Pippo Lorusso, Gualberto Parmeggiani, Gabriella Franchini, Luca Confortini, Federica Strozzi, Danilo Carlani, Alessio Dogana, Vhelade Bale Mura, Paolo Nocito, Riccardo Cicogna, Margherita Cornali, Francesco Sblendorio, Adelaide Manselli, Rodolfo D'Andrea, Matteo Basso Fin, Alberto Azarya, Clelia Piscitello, Maurizio Tabani
Herbert Ballerina, Sergio Spaccavento, Daniele Grigolo, Massimo Schiavon, Marco Alessi, Marco Belardi, Fabio Gargiulo, Chris Costa, Maccio Capatonda, Sergio Spaccavento, Elisabetta Flotta, Marco Alessi, Enrico Venti, Danilo Carlani, Sandro Broggini, Davide Boschin, Silvia Murciano, Maccio Capatonda, Giogiò Franchini, Paolo Sansoni, Elena Matilde Cavallaro, Maccio Capatonda, Maccio Capatonda
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social satire, gross out, experimental drug