Microbe and Gasoline (2015)

Microbe and Gasoline

Title: Microbe and Gasoline

Release Date: 2015-07-08

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 103 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Microbe and Gasoline (2015) Full Movie Streaming


Watch Microbe and Gasoline full movie for free. Released in 2015, Microbe and Gasoline movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $63,802 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Two young friends embark on a road trip across France in a vehicle they built themselves.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Microbe and Gasoline a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Ange Dargent, Théophile Baquet, Audrey Tautou, Sacha Bourdo, Fabio Zenoni, Laurent Poitrenaux, Étienne Charry, Marc Delarue, Diane Besnier


Michel Gondry, Michel Gondry, Georges Bermann, Jean Gargonne, Florence Fontaine, Philippe Penot, Elise Fievet, Stéphane Rozenbaum, Anne-Sophie Loubette, Jean-Claude Vannier, Lucía Bretones-Méndez, Laurent Brunet, Dominique Gaborieau, Leïla Fournier, Sarah Teper, Sariye Kozan

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