Shortcut to Happiness (2003)
Title: Shortcut to Happiness
Release Date: 2003-07-13
Genres: Fantasy, Comedy, Drama
Runtime: 106 minutes
Status: Released
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The devil is in the details.
Watch Shortcut to Happiness full movie for free. Released in 2003, Shortcut to Happiness movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In Manhattan, the aspirant writer Jabez Stone is a complete loser: he is not able to sell his novels, he lives in a lousy apartment and he does not have success with women. When one of his friends Julius Jenson sells his novel for US$ 190,000.00 to an editor, Jabez fells envy and promises to sell his soul to the devil for success and accidentally kills a woman with his typing machine. The Devil knocks on his door, fixes the situation and seals a contract with Jabez. His low quality novels have bad reviews but become best-sellers; Jabez enriches; has success with women, but has no time for his friends. Jabez meets with the publisher Daniel Webster who offers him a chance to break the contract with the devil.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Shortcut to Happiness a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Jennifer Love Hewitt, Alec Baldwin, Anthony Hopkins, Dan Aykroyd, Kim Cattrall, Gregg Bello, Frank Sivero, John Savage, Al Palagonia, Jason Patric, Ken Murton, Kevin Olson, Jonathon Gentry, Canedy Knowles, Philippe Vonlanthen, Marni Lustig, Katherine O'Sullivan, Mike Doyle, Bobby Cannavale, Herb Klinger, Virl Andrick, Ray Aranha, Kaniel Arocho, Jorge Arocho, Howard Atlee, Mary Ashton, Jann Carl, Antonio Cornacchione, Bill Corsair, Grenville Cuyler, Amy Poehler, Rohan Quine, Ken Page, Sue Simmons, Kathrina Miccio, Karen Ziemba, Kim Zimmer, Barry Miller, Marni Lustig, Peter Maloney, Terrence Mann, Gustave Johnson, John Hines, Carrot Top, Paul Stolarsky, Jack Ferver
Alec Baldwin, Stephen Vincent Benet, Alec Baldwin, Tony Cataldo, Terry Chase Chenowith, Jonathan Cornick, Katie Daily, Craig Darian, Randall Emmett, Randall Emmett, George Furla, George Furla, Patrick F. Gallagher, Carol Gillson, David Glasser, Michael Z. Gordon, Michael Z. Gordon, Michael S. Grayson, Howard G. Kazanjian, Brian R. Keathley, Dessie Markovsky, Clint Morris, Adam M. Stone, Scott G. Stone, Jeff G. Waxman, Jason Zelin, Christopher Young, Adam Holender, John Carter, Mark Winitsky, Jeff Wood, Roe Baker, Anna Maniscalco, Grant Wilfley, Edward Pisoni, Beth Kushnick, Paul Ratajczak, Paul Ratajczak, Peter Dexter, Peter Dexter, Bill Condon, Nancy Cassaro, Archibald Macleish, Jeff G. Waxman
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