The Violent Past (2001)

The Violent Past

Title: The Violent Past

Release Date: 2001-07-27

Genres: Thriller, Action, Drama

Runtime: 80 minutes

Status: Released

Watch The Violent Past (2001) Full Movie Streaming


Watch The Violent Past full movie for free. Released in 2001, The Violent Past movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Stefan is a man with a violent past. His skills come in handy when he tries to help a Bosnian stripper find her father who is hiding somewhere in Sweden.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Violent Past a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Jens Hultén, Cecilia Bergqvist, Regina Lund, Fredrik Wenzel, Fredrik Dolk, Jan Kerbosch, Mats Huddén, Eva Mutvei, Catherine Hardenborg, Frederick Offrein, Eva Snis, Eddie Hultén, Annelie Hedin, Osa Wallander, Per Hedefalk, Joachim von Rost, Wendela Dehlin, A.R. Hellquist, Peter Kandell, Fred Anderson, Fredrik Wenzel, Thomaz Ransmyr, Anders Nyström, Lars Norell, Björne Hellquist, Olof Gudmundson, Lars Lundgren


Oscar Petersson, Oscar Petersson, Oscar Petersson, Peter Kandell, Henrik Stenberg, Adam Fietz, Anna Sardelis, Oscar Petersson, Mattias Eklund, Jeppe Gross, Annika Thedvall, Frida Persson, Fred Anderson, Frida Persson, Anna Sardelis, Fred Anderson, Oscar Petersson, Henrik Stenberg, Adam Fietz, Fred Anderson

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