If I Were You (2006)

If I Were You

Title: If I Were You

Release Date: 2006-01-06

Genres: Comedy, Fantasy

Runtime: 108 minutes

Status: Released

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Watch If I Were You full movie for free. Released in 2006, If I Were You movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

The publicist Claudio and the housewife and choral teacher Helena have been married for many years, but they do not understand and respect the feelings and view point of the partner. Claudio sees Helena as a shopper and "little teacher of a choral" and Helena sees Claudio as an insensitive and rough man. On the night before the fiftieth anniversary of Claudio, they changed places with each other.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made If I Were You a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Tony Ramos, Glória Pires, Thiago Lacerda, Glória Menezes, Lavínia Vlasak, Danielle Winits, Maria Gladys, Ary Fontoura, Maria Ceiça, Maurício Gonçalves, Leandro Hassum, Dennis Carvalho, Lara Rodrigues, Antonia Frering, Carla Daniel, Marcella Muniz, Mário José Paz, Patricia Pillar, Jorge Fernando, Helena Fernandes, Thomas Morkos, Agatha Aguiar, Barbara Paiva, Paulo Giardini, Jurandir de Oliveira, Aline Camacho, Ana Paula Vieira, Iano Salomão, Joana Nardelli, Rodrigo Oliveira, Raul Labancca, Daniel Filho, Cleber Salgado


Daniel Filho, Felipe Lacerda, José Roberto Eliezer, Marcos Flaksman, Ana Chiarini, Tiago Marques Teixeira, Daniel de Castro, Marcela Altberg, Fernando Henna, Renato Battaglia, Vanessa Mariano, Walkiria Barbosa, Daniel Flaksman, Marcos Didonet, Daniel Filho, Zezé d'Alice, Marc Bechar, Iafa Britz, Vilma Lustosa, Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues, Beth Filipecki, Marcelo Siqueira, Emerson Bonadias, Rogério Marinho, Miriam Biderman, Mauricio Castañeda, Marco Prado, Carlos Gregório, Rene Belmonte, Adriana Falcão, Iafa Britz, Daniel Filho, Roberto Frota

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