Martians vs Mexicans (2018)
Title: Martians vs Mexicans
Release Date: 2018-03-09
Genres: Animation, Comedy
Runtime: 90 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Martians vs Mexicans (2018) Full Movie Streaming
No invasion can withstand Mexicanpower!
Watch Martians vs Mexicans full movie for free. Released in 2018, Martians vs Mexicans movie was made with a budget of $900,000 and has earned $1,180,000 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A group of martian aliens invade earth, but they never expected mexicans to be immune to their multiple attacks.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Martians vs Mexicans a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Adal Ramones, Omar Chaparro, Martha Higareda, Angélica Vale, Eduardo Manzano, Humberto Vélez, Fernando Meza, Rodolfo Riva Palacio Alatriste, Gabriel Riva Palacio Alatriste, Mario Filo, Armando González, Mónica Santacruz, Betzabé Jara, Ximena de Anda, Cid Vela, Jaime Maussan, Raoul Ortiz, Andrés Vaca, Ricardo Hill
Rafael Luna Esparza, Jean Fraise, Alex de Icaza, Javier Calderón, Amado López, Rodolfo Riva Palacio Alatriste, Gabriel Riva Palacio Alatriste, Gabriel Riva Palacio Alatriste, Rodolfo Riva Palacio Alatriste
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adult animation