Mom (1990)


Title: Mom

Release Date: 1990-06-19

Genres: Comedy, Horror

Runtime: 95 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Mom (1990) Full Movie Streaming


Call her mad, call her a monster, just make sure you call her once a week!

Watch Mom full movie for free. Released in 1990, Mom movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

During a time when the city of Los Angeles is terrorized by animal attack style murders, a kindly elderly lady provides a nomad with room and board. It turns out that he is a werewolf and is responsible for the recent killings. He bites the elderly woman, turning her into a hungry werewolf. Now her adult son must try to prevent the both of them from doing any more harm.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Mom a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Mark Thomas Miller, Jeanne Bates, Brion James, Mary Elizabeth McDonough, Art Evans, Stella Stevens, Claudia Christian, Maray Ayres, Christopher Doyle, J. Patrick McNamara, Jamie Saxon, Christopher Martinez, Tim Trella, Ed Johnson, Wendy Gordon, Charles Martinet, Gary Marks, Harry Landers, Brian J. Williams, James Heggie, Flossie Vinacour, Kim Fields, R.C. Bates, Judith Holtz, Domonic Muir, Yolanda Hernández, Len Morganti, Larry Bock, Gina Giambone, Al Demaranville III, Jack Staub, Cheryl Burger, Lorena Garcia, Mahmud Payind, Mitchelle Schuh, Angelo Riley, Richard Norman, Michael Emanuel, William Stammer, Willy Inman, Charles Baker, Lynn Leonhard, Tami Lee Davis, Paul Morgan, Julie Bryant, Phyliss Salehpour, Irene Santos, David Monroe, James Menard Jr., Craig Robinson, Juan Hernandez, Irene Hernandez, Ron Ruhnow, Rory Van Saint, Bill Chandler, Sarah Chandler, Hester Gentry, Walden Dahl, Dave Danden, Jerry McNally, Theresa Monroe, Thomas Taylor


David Sperling, Patrick Rand, Cassian Elwes, Eduard Sarlui, Robert McDonnell, Tony Markes, Leon Dudevoir, Guy J. Louthan, Shawna Trpcic, Steven Michael Casey, Tracy Lee McGrath, Ernest Troost, Gregory Zemgals, Kevin Watson, Patrick Rand, Patrick Rand, Patrick Rand, Rod Smith, Jon H. Epstein

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werewolf, nomad