Legacy of the Hollywood Blacklist (1987)
Title: Legacy of the Hollywood Blacklist
Release Date: 1987-10-21
Genres: Documentary
Runtime: 60 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Legacy of the Hollywood Blacklist (1987) Full Movie Streaming
Watch Legacy of the Hollywood Blacklist full movie for free. Released in 1987, Legacy of the Hollywood Blacklist movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
This one-hour film, narrated by Actor BURT LANCASTER, explores the lingering effects of The Hollywood Blacklist, which occurred in the late forties and early fifties as part of the Anti-Communist witch-hunts that terrorized the nation. This film is seen through the eyes of the wives and children of the now deceased Hollywood figures whose careers were destroyed when studio bosses, along with guild and union officials capitulated to the demands of the House Un-American Activities Committee.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Legacy of the Hollywood Blacklist a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Burt Lancaster, Evelyn Keyes, Jane Wyatt, Sylvia Jarrico, Nikola Trumbo, Sadie Ornitz, Zelma Wilson, Becca Wilson
Judy Chaikin, Alan Barker, Eve Goldberg, Cathy Zheutlin, Kristin R. Glover, Judy Chaikin, Ellen Geiger, Judy Chaikin, Loren Stephens, Eve Goldberg
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anti-communism, hollywood, communism, usa history, radical politics, 1950s, government witch hunt