Ciao! Manhattan (1973)

Ciao! Manhattan

Title: Ciao! Manhattan

Release Date: 1973-04-19

Genres: Documentary, Drama

Runtime: 84 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Ciao! Manhattan (1973) Full Movie Streaming


Speed. Madness. Flying Saucers.

Watch Ciao! Manhattan full movie for free. Released in 1973, Ciao! Manhattan movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Fiction and documentary mingle in a freewheeling portrait of Susan Superstar, a New York celebrity on a drug-fueled downward slide that mirrors Edie Sedgwick’s own self-destructive spiral.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Ciao! Manhattan a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Edie Sedgwick, Wesley Hayes, Isabel Jewell, Jeff Briggs, Paul America, Tom Flye, Gabriel Lampa, Pat Hartley, Nell Bassett, Charlie Bacis, Jane Holzer, David Weisman, Wesley Rand, Viva, Roger Vadim, Brigid Berlin, Lilimor Mercer, Rosko, Lorenzo, Titus, Allen Ginsberg, Christian Marquand, John Nahan, Jean Margouleff


David Weisman, John Palmer, John Palmer, David Weisman, Robert Margouleff, Robert Margouleff, Betsy Johnson, Robert Farren, Kjell Rostad, Gino Piserchio, David Weisman, John Palmer, John Phillips, Chuck Wein

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drug abuse, biography, drug scene, drug overdose, drug culture, fading star, medicine overdose, edie sedgwick