The Humanity Bureau (2017)
Title: The Humanity Bureau
Release Date: 2017-07-11
Genres: Science Fiction, Thriller
Runtime: 94 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Humanity Bureau (2017) Full Movie Streaming
In the near future our government will decide who is expendable.
Watch The Humanity Bureau full movie for free. Released in 2017, The Humanity Bureau movie was made with a budget of $6,000,000 and has earned $17,544,173 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In 2030 the world is in a permanent state of economic recession and facing serious environmental problems as a result of global warming.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Humanity Bureau a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Nicolas Cage, Sarah Lind, Jakob Davies, Hugh Dillon, Vicellous Shannon, Jett Klyne, Lorne Cardinal, Destee Klyne, David Lovgren, Leo Fafard, Kurt Max Runte, Nikolas Filipovic, Mel Tuck, Sheldon Bergstrom, Leanna Brodie, Melanie Walden, Bill Dow
Frank White, Guy Griffithe, Douglas Falconer, Wayne Marc Godfrey, Charles Saikaley, Robert Jones, J.D. Beaufils, Hatty Reisman, Andre Relis, Jason Brooks, Tamer Abaza, Mark Dobrescu, Robert B. Bricker, Nikki Elek, Benjamin Krause, Jordan Powers, Thomas Dobrescu, Allison Taylor, Brennan Walstrom, Ameer Fawaz, Sean Symondson, Trevor Cunningham, Jesse Nelson, Mark Dobrescu, Shaun Cadenne, Mike Storey, Lori Welbourne, Tom Levesque, Eva Trebilco, Kelly Veltri, Ryan Tebbutt, Nigel Crook, Sean Kilgus, Marc Generoso, Lori Maxwell, Sheila Jayson, Randy Shumay, Rob Bryanton, Rob Bryanton, Steve Hasiak, Steve Hasiak, Wendy Ord, Cal Harle, Trevor Bennett, Roger Morris, Kevin Fynn, Josh Courtney, Jack Tunnicliffe, Chris Duerkopp, Mark A. Judd, Gerard Demaer, Todd Bryanton, Todd Bryanton, Cal Harle, Priya Kuman Bilkhu, Travis Cross, Kelly-Rae Buchan, Jesse Bryant, Darren Benning, Dave Schultz, Rob W. King, Patricia Warsaba, Sharon Young, Elaine Schaeffer, Andrew Holmes, Nina Farrauto, Deb Green, Trish Cook, Nigel Crook, Colleen Bryant, Adrian Traquair, Jackie Dzuba, David Masters, Kathy McCoy, Shawn McGrath, Benjamin DeWalt, Danielle Masters, Pamela Warden, Todd Bryanton, Kevin DeWalt, Madison Dewalt, Jon Mongul, Ryan Steacy, Greta Snodgrass, Craig Pulsifer, Gregory Marino, Emma Kramer-Rodger, Annie Henderson, Jason Wood, Gary Minielly, Robert O'Donnell, Evan Ferguson, Jeff Myers, Kim Callaghan, Basil Fafard, Chris Duerkopp, Terrence Spina, Gerri Logan, Katherine Mercer, Milton Muller, Tyler Devon Gillis, Evelyn Travis, Ashley Macivor, Rafael Perez, Billy Walker, Laura Carnet, Mary Holding, Bill Ferguson, Alan Certeza, Mica Kayde, Francis Laliberte, David W. Hutton, Adina Willmott, Peter La Rocque, Kristopher Wagner, Leo Fafard, Cory Maclean, Scott Baker, Brad Zehr, Sean Grogan
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