Edie (2018)
Title: Edie
Release Date: 2018-05-25
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 102 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Edie (2018) Full Movie Streaming
Watch Edie full movie for free. Released in 2018, Edie movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
To try and overcome a lifetime of bitterness and resentment, 83-year-old Edie decides that it is never too late. After packing an old camping bag, she leaves her life behind and embarks on an adventure she never got to have... climbing the imposing Mount Suilven in Scotland.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Edie a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Sheila Hancock, Kevin Guthrie, Paul Brannigan, Amy Manson, Wendy Morgan, Rachael Keiller, Donald Pelmear, Daniela Bräuer, Christopher Dunne, Tori Butler-Hart, Calum MacRae, Tanya Winsor, Sallyann Fellowes, Wynne Potts, Tom McHugh, Seoras Hearton, Shaun Cowan
Edward Lynden-Bell, Simon Hunter, Elizabeth O'Halloran, Simon Hunter, Mark Stothert, Tim Dennison, Edward Little, Amanda Green, Adrian Baumeister, Jaz Rongokea, Michael Taylor, Drew Wright, Olly Stothert, Nick Baldock, Jean-Michel Boublil, Irene Ilias, Jeremy Zimmermann, Dan Avram, Tommy Clarke, Greg McFarlane King, Pascoe Morrissey, August Jakobsson, Craig Kenny, Filip Krzyżykowski, Laura Bernice Watson, Joanne Lau, Chris Richmond, Boadicea Shouls, Adele Fletcher, Debbie Wiseman, Laura Bernice Watson, Emma James, Grace Averbuch, Georgina Napier, Peter Bristowe, Tomasz Maciątek, Meike Deutscher, Aubrey Pascoe, Sebastian Morsch, Jacek Wiśniewski, Dominic Smithers, Andrew Bradley, Julian Sharma, Stephen Fuller, Paolo Guglielmotti, Sam Cousins, Sapphire Cecil
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