Sitcom (1998)


Title: Sitcom

Release Date: 1998-05-27

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Thriller, Romance

Runtime: 80 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Sitcom (1998) Full Movie Streaming


Family is fun. But there are limits...

Watch Sitcom full movie for free. Released in 1998, Sitcom movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

The adventures of an upper-class suburban family abruptly confronted with the younger brother's discovery of his homosexuality, the elder sister's suicide attempt and sadomasochist tendencies, and the intrusion of a very free-spirited maid and her husband. And it all started with the arrival in the family of an innocent looking rat.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Sitcom a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Évelyne Dandry, François Marthouret, Marina de Van, Adrien de Van, Stéphane Rideau, Lucía Sánchez, Jules-Emmanuel Eyoum Deido, Jean Douchet, Sébastien Charles, Vincent Vizioz, Kiwani Cojo, Gilles Frilay, Antoine Fischer


François Ozon, François Ozon, Yorick Le Saux, Dominique Petrot, Éric Neveux, Benoît Hillebrant, Olivier Delbosc, Marc Missonnier, Angélique Puron, Hervé Poeydemenge, Agnès Morlhigem, Maria Ossorio Ribas, Nelly Robin

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