Visiting Hours (1982)
Title: Visiting Hours
Release Date: 1982-05-21
Genres: Horror, Thriller
Runtime: 105 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Visiting Hours (1982) Full Movie Streaming
So frightening you'll never recover.
Watch Visiting Hours full movie for free. Released in 1982, Visiting Hours movie was made with a budget of $6,000,000 and has earned $13,258,670 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A deranged, misogynistic killer assaults a journalist. When he discovers that she survived the attack, he follows her to the hospital to finish her off.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Visiting Hours a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Michael Ironside, Lee Grant, Linda Purl, William Shatner, Lenore Zann, Harvey Atkin, Michael J. Reynolds, Kirsten Bishop, Neil Affleck, Walker Boone, Domenico Fiore, Lorena Gale, Helen Hughes, Deborah Kirshenbaum, Elizabeth Leigh-Milne, Maureen McRae, Dustin Waln, Damir Andrei, Dorothy Barker, Steve Bettcher, Richard Rebiere, Terrance P. Coady, Richard Comar, Dora Dainton, Sylvie Desbois, Yvan Ducharme, Sarita Elman, Kathleen Fee, Tali Fischer, Richer Francoeur, Angela Gallagher, Judith Gay, Isadore Goldberg, Dean Hagopian, Victor Knight, Sheena Larkin, Sylvia Lennick, Frances March, Steve Michaels, Kimberly McKeever, Bob McKeowan, Malcolm Nelthorpe, Roland Nincheri, Mary Rathbone, Ron Robbins, Robby Robinson, Danielle Schneider, Lisa Schwartz, Danny Silverman, Marty Starr, Jérôme Tiberghien, Katherine Trowell, Len Watt, George E. Zeeman, Charles Dennis
Jean-Claude Lord, Pierre David, Claude Héroux, Victor Solnicki, René Verzier, Brian Taggert, Jean-Claude Lord, Lise Thouin, Stephan Dupuis, David Bailey, Jonathan Goldsmith, Michel Proulx, Delphine White, Inge Klaudi, Marcel Pothier, Thomas Metzger, Kathryn Casault, Pierre David, Constant Natale, Janet E. Cuddy, Gwen Iveson, Michel Wachniuc, Julian Marks, Blair Roth, François Séguin, Jean-Baptiste Tard, Simon La Haye, Dominique L'abbé, Daniel Huysmans, Jean Gauthier, Sylvie Dagenais, Claude Langlois, Brian Holland, Andy Malcolm, Viateur Paiement, M. James Arnett, Linda Singer, Michelle Viau, Ginette Magny
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journalist, stalking, serial killer, woman reporter, hospital, slasher, maniac, psycho, video nasty, canuxploitation