Madame Satã (2002)
Title: Madame Satã
Release Date: 2002-10-03
Genres: Crime, Drama, Romance, History
Runtime: 105 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Madame Satã (2002) Full Movie Streaming
Hustler, dreamer, devil, saint
Watch Madame Satã full movie for free. Released in 2002, Madame Satã movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A story inspired by the life of one of the most remarkable figures in Brazilian popular culture, João Francisco dos Santos (1900-1976). In turn, bandit, transvestite, street fighter, brothel cook, convict and father to seven adopted children, dos Santos – better known as Madame Satã – was also a notorious gay performer who pushed social boundaries in a volatile time.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Madame Satã a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Lázaro Ramos, Marcélia Cartaxo, Flávio Bauraqui, Renata Sorrah, Fellipe Marques, Emiliano Queiroz, Gero Camilo, Floriano Peixoto, Eduardo Coutinho, Ricardo Blat, Karine Teles, Orã Figueiredo
Karim Aïnouz, Rita Murtinho, Waldir Xavier, Todd Haynes, Mauricio Andrade Ramos, Marcos Pedroso, Sonia Penna, Dominique Hennequin, Donald Ranvaud, Marcos Suzano, Philip Brooks, Wieland Speck, Sergio Farjalla Jr., Isabela Monteiro de Castro, Jorge de Tharso, Juliette Renaud, Marc Beauchamps, Vincent Maraval, Dominique Welinski, Laurent Bocahut, Isabel Diegues, Sacha Amback, Aloysio Compasso, Christophe Vingtrinier, Stéphane Thiébaut, Walter Carvalho, Walter Salles, Karim Aïnouz, Marcelo Gomes, Mauricio Zacharias, Sérgio Machado
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drag queen, transvestite, lgbt, abandoned child