House of Cards (1993)

House of Cards

Title: House of Cards

Release Date: 1993-06-25

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 109 minutes

Status: Released

Watch House of Cards (1993) Full Movie Streaming


A Journey That Will Open Your Mind... And Touch Your Heart.

Watch House of Cards full movie for free. Released in 1993, House of Cards movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

When Ruth Matthews's husband is killed in a fall at an archaeological dig, her daughter Sally handles her father's death in a very odd manner. As Sally's condition worsens, Ruth takes her to see Jake, an expert in childhood autism. Jake attempts to bring Sally out of her mental disarray through traditional therapy methods, but Ruth takes a different route. She risks her own sanity by attempting to enter her daughter's mind and make sense of the seemingly bizarre things that Sally does, including building a wondrous house of cards

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made House of Cards a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Tommy Lee Jones, Asha Menina, Kathleen Turner, Shiloh Strong, Esther Rolle, Park Overall, Michael Horse, Anne Pitoniak


Michael Lessac, Michael Lessac, Michael Lessac, Robert Jay Litz, Wolfgang Glattes, Lianne Halfon, Dale Pollock, Walter Murch, Debbie Lee Carrington, Victor Hammer, James Horner, Mali Finn, Peter S. Larkin, Leslie E. Rollins, Julie Weiss, Julie Hewett, Frances Mathias, Wolfgang Glattes, Norman Wallerstein, Alvin Greenman, Kathleen M. Courtney, Joe E. Rand, Jim Bridges, Anastas N. Michos, Vittorio Cecchi Gori, Edward Khmara, Jonathan Sanger, Gianni Nunnari, Laurel Ladevich, Christopher Boyes, Cris Thomas-Palomino

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autism, child's point of view, card