Little White Lies (2010)
Title: Little White Lies
Release Date: 2010-10-20
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Runtime: 154 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Little White Lies (2010) Full Movie Streaming
The one thing friends can't escape is a few home truths.
Watch Little White Lies full movie for free. Released in 2010, Little White Lies movie was made with a budget of $25,000,000 and has earned $48,531,470 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Despite a traumatic event, a group of friends decide to go ahead with their annual beach vacation. Their relationships, convictions, sense of guilt and friendship are sorely tested. They are finally forced to own up to the little white lies they've been telling each other.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Little White Lies a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
François Cluzet, Marion Cotillard, Benoît Magimel, Gilles Lellouche, Jean Dujardin, Valérie Bonneton, Joël Dupuch, Laurent Lafitte, Pascale Arbillot, Anne Marivin, Hocine Mérabet, Louise Monot, Maxim Nucci, Sara Martins, Édouard Montoute, Matthieu Chedid, Néo Broca, Marc Mairé, Jeanne Dupuch, Mado Mérabet, Nikita Lespinasse, Niseema Theillaud, Patrice Renson, Jean-Claude Lagniez, Jean-Claude Cotillard, Pierre-Benoist Varoclier, Benoît Petitjean, Paula Garcia
Guillaume Canet, Christophe Offenstein, Nora Salhi, Hugo Sélignac, Laurent Couraud, Alain Attal, Hervé de Luze, Carine Sarfati, Guillaume Canet, Aurore Vicente, Nicolas Herlin, Gérald Portenart, Sophie Asse, Thi Thanh Tu Nguyen, Olivier Seyfrid, Dorothée Soual, Manuela Taco, Pascal Larue, Guillaume Castagné, Stanislas Reydellet, Jean Goudier, Philippe Chiffre, Michel Carliez, Ariane Audouard, André Logie, Dean Bailey, Vincent Montrobert, Pierre Gamet, Isabelle Querrioux, Jean-Denis Buré, Marc Doisne, Jean-Paul Hurier
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